Many weeks ago I bought two chests from a thrift store that I planned on staining darker. These chests were made by Baker and from the mid century era. When I found them at the thrift shop they were already stained with a lighter blond color that was very popular in the 1950s and 60s. Yesterday was the first time I had a free moment to actually take the time out and learn how to stain the two pieces.
It ended up not being difficult at all. Supplies that were needed to complete the project was a drop cloth or news papers, stain, sponge brushes, paint stripper/thinner, sand paper, or electric sander and wood filler. The first thing that I did was strip the original stain off the chests with paint stripper. I have tried many different paint stripper products, and I the stripper that I like has an orange smell work well. Those do not have such strong chemical fumes, so they won't make your eyes water! So if you can find a product like that, then that's great! Read the directions on how to use the paint stripper, but it's pretty easy to figure out! Next I sanded the pieces so they had a smooth finish. At this point I would also add in the wood filler to any dents or dings that had damaged the piece. Then sand. Next comes the fun part! STAINING!!!! Once you've bought the dye to use, open up the tin, and get the sponge brush out! I just tried to apply smooth and straight strokes going with the grain of the wood. It was quite a calming experience I have to say. It's calming because you are doing a repetitive motion. I found this part to be very enjoyable, and I am definitely looking forward to the next staining project that I do. Have you ever stained anything? Share your experience!!
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