Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Try Something New Artzy Fartzy Everyday

Hello, I am new to this blogging thing, but I hope that you find this as interesting as I do creating my own blog. The goal I have for this blog is to bring inner peace and serenity to myself and others by trying new things everyday. Each day I will post up something I tried new that I've never done before. It can be something as little as reading a new book, or learning to scuba dive. But my main incentive is that I take an hour out of my crazy life to really focus on "me" and Try New Things. From doing this, I hope to learn more about myself and become rounded, centered, and balanced in my everyday life. Hopefully you will enjoy reading my blog and maybe even share similar feelings as I do in trying New Things out.
Also, if you have any things you think are worth trying that take about an hour or less to do, please let me know about it. I will try it out and let you know how it goes. Suggestions are welcome!

1 comment:

Powell River Books said...

Welcome to blogging. Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind comments. I try to blog several times a week, but when we are at our floating cabin we don't get the Internet. I save up my stories and experiences for town visits, but I've had great fun sharing tips, tales and tidbits with readers for almost two years now. Good luck, I'll bookmark your site and watch you grow. - Margy