Yesterday evening I was flipping through the 100s of
channels Comcast has to offer, and I came across a movie named Pride. Owen
Gleiberman, a movie critic, said
Tarrance Howard "takes on the role of one of those inspirational tough-love sports [swim] coaches, and Howard, once again, commands through quiet, summoning the gentle music of a man who is literally trying to find his power as he speaks." The movie is set in the 1970s in Philadelphia where a rec center is forced to shutdown unless it is put to some use. Tarrance Howard tries to find a swim coach job at a
predominant prep. high school but is turned down the job. He then goes to a temp agency that gives him work to pack up the rec center because it was going to close. Once he arrives at the rec, he sees that kids still come to the center to play basketball outside. After a couple of days of packing boxes and cleaning, he realizes there is a emptied swimming pool that looks as if it hasn't been used in years.....I'll let you see the rest of it without me ruining it myself.
But I have to say that I
thoroughly enjoyed the movie! I swam competitively for 9 years with people from my team going to the
Olympic trials, having fun and racing. The movie brought me back to what the core of swimming was about: enjoyment, even though there maybe ups and downs. These kids that end up creating a swim team and had to deal with racism, which I can imagine would be a horrible experience. But the kids of
PDR overcome obstacles and even teach their coach about life! Well anyways I thought it ways a very good movie and moving. If you end up ever watching it, let me know what you think! To check out the movie review click